After a relationship that just recently ended it took my some time to realised that for my own emotional benifit i need to calm down and just enjoy being single, and not in the way that most poeple would expect of me. I dont want to fuck everyone that comes along [suprised tayler? lol] but i want to see watch whats around me and acknowledge...
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not suprised, just proud<3 puke
I totally know where youre coming from here--i just came out of 4 year relationship one month ago---except unlike you, i kinda did wanna go a little crazy after that--being with the same person for so long, sex life being not so interesting and such, so ive been havin a little fun--not sex though--im just a make out and sleepover slut, but at the same time, after going through that, I now have this enourmous fear of relationships and dont want one for a really goddamn long time--if that changes its only gonna happen if somebody PERFECT comes along, and through years of trial and error, i know exactly who she is, just have to find her i guess

Thats my rant for the day robot

Thanks for making my day with your comment

you are a sweet one, may i have a kiss someday?? kiss
I have finally found a new apartment to live in, i must say its the cutest thing since pink undies. It has wood floors and yellow walls. and its a little bachlor sweet that was owned by a 18 year old girl such as myself for two years so its in good condition.
Work is gettin a little retaarrrded i must say, we are required...
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Things DO NOT make sense after a certain age, they only get more confusing.
The secret lies in not letting shit get to your head, and enjoying life no matter what comes your way.
Long work sucks though......
YOU are the cutest thing since pink undies.
So when will you be biting me?
hey, where are you moving to?
and that thing about the talking to an old friend thing.. was that tab?
<3 call me i miss you puke
Finally a day off, i have been working so much latly.. not that i am complaining.. i do love my job [thankgod] but once and a while it is nice to have two days off and not worry about getting called in. biggrin
I work at a call center locally and when i first started i was the one in the back of training that did...
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i was in abby all day!
and working..
but im home now!
call my cell if you come online...
Rome! Awesome! What kind of Jim sights are there anyways? I have a friend who is possibly as obsessed with him as you.....Seen apocalypse now? one of my fave movies........

I've been to Chilliwack....it smells funny, kinda like poop.....

Do the locals have a shortened name for it like most AB/BC towns? Like Chill-town? or Wack?

Your locks are beautiful! I just got this book from my library called "Dreads" and it has all these beautiful people from all over the world, esp. Jamaica, US, India and Africa, and each of them has poetry or writing about why the have dreads and what it means to them....
NE ways,