So long story short Geordie's dad invites us to go camping with him on labor day weeknd. This will help him so he can drive his motor home back home and we can drive his car. We get there and I say " lets go for a walk so you can show us around" next thing I know my father in law is buck naked wlking around and I look outside and EVERYONE is naked. It was a frik'n nudist camp. I was warming up to the idea of walking around naked with my FATHER IN LAW when this fucking bitch came up and told us that we weren't allowed to be there unless we were naked. It was so fucking pompus. They spend most of their time talking about how people whoa ren't nudists are stupid but while i'm in the trailer freezing my ass off I am looking at these naked people walking around in the freezing cold being "smart" . Anyway, After I got over the fact that this woman was a bitch geordie and I had a great time. I shot a photoshoot that will hopefully get chosen. They never got back to me on the last one so I guess that one's not gonna work out. But by the end of it we had a great weekend and a great week. I got to spend iit relaxing and making my back feel better. Anyway here's some pics.


Ben K. Again