This was just what I needed. A beautiful place to go with nothing to do. Geordie and I headed out to Tobermorey on thursday night. We stayed in this little cabin on a native american camp ground. It was so wonderful. lots of time for just the two of us. And lots of baby making happening. (tee hee) . Tobermorey was so beautiful. The water was SO clear and blue it looked so refreshing that I jumped right in anf froze my ass off. We're actually going back up there in a few weeks with evreyone. Geordie and I went on a hike and found some bay flower pots. We climbed to the top and watched the sun go down it was so beautiful. We also went to go see fire works and it was one of the best displays I have ever seen. We got ice ceam for 3 bucks for the two of us and they were HUGE. The drive was also very beautiful. I really enjoyed spending time with Geordie. We got to nap which we never do anymore and just lay around and make dinner together. It was just what I needed. BEST LONG WEEKEND E-VER!


It was also very cool to read that you are moving ahead with a baby in light of your recent scare. Good luck with it!
the sleeve I want has something to do with all my favorite comic book charecters, star wars, and anime movies I love...
some thing along those lines.
The chest peice keeps getting redrawn and whatnot, so I dont even know what its going to look like in the end. But, the center is an anatomical heart..thats the main part of it.