Hello all. Things are going weird. Good news first. The art show went really well. about 40 people showed up and I sold some stuff. And it wasn't your typical art show as you can see in this pic.
I had a really great time and I think a lot of others did too.
I've been working steadily which is nice. It feels good to put theory into practice.
Ok bad stuff. These bumps that I've had for a few months may turn into cervial cancer I found out yesterday. So I balled my face off while laying on the grass at u of t under the sprinkler. Matthew came and met up with me and said all the things I wanted to hear. he's so wonderful. We went out for drinks ..........many many drinks. Ok lets just say I've broken my previous record and that's why I'm not at work today . I called in saying I had a crippling migraine, which wasn't a lie. Anyway I ended up taking a bath with all my clothes on and at one point I think I showed Matthew my clit ring. mercy. Matthew fell asleep on the couch and Geordie him and I woke up around 2 and talked for a bit. Then he headed home on his bike. I didn't really puke a lot. I'd go as far to say I hardley puked at all.
I was smart enough to drink TONS of water and pee as much as I could. So lets just say I forgot about my little medical situation. But now I'm back, back thinking about it and crying, but I think that's ok. Crying is good for the soul sometimes. As long as I just don't do it for the rest of my life.
There was this guy in the chat room the other day that began a conversation by saying "what do I have to do to get kicked out of suicide girls?" weird. Then he went and read my profile and started telling me off becasue I'm a teacher basically saying that I was a drugged up whore who could only teach kids to do drugs and get piercings and tatto's. He told off another SG for being a mother and modelling for this site. I just think it's sad how some people have no power in their life that they have to go online and PAY to be a part of a site that they don't even like so they can tell girls off. Weird.
Geordie's wonderful. He told me that no matter what he'd take care of me and that we'd talk about it when he gets home from work. I love that guy. he's the bestest.
I'm very excited cause Chanel is gonna have a new set up soon. WOO HOO. exciting. Anyway , I'm gonna conclude this entry with some of my art. Have a great day everyone.

I had a really great time and I think a lot of others did too.
I've been working steadily which is nice. It feels good to put theory into practice.
Ok bad stuff. These bumps that I've had for a few months may turn into cervial cancer I found out yesterday. So I balled my face off while laying on the grass at u of t under the sprinkler. Matthew came and met up with me and said all the things I wanted to hear. he's so wonderful. We went out for drinks ..........many many drinks. Ok lets just say I've broken my previous record and that's why I'm not at work today . I called in saying I had a crippling migraine, which wasn't a lie. Anyway I ended up taking a bath with all my clothes on and at one point I think I showed Matthew my clit ring. mercy. Matthew fell asleep on the couch and Geordie him and I woke up around 2 and talked for a bit. Then he headed home on his bike. I didn't really puke a lot. I'd go as far to say I hardley puked at all.

There was this guy in the chat room the other day that began a conversation by saying "what do I have to do to get kicked out of suicide girls?" weird. Then he went and read my profile and started telling me off becasue I'm a teacher basically saying that I was a drugged up whore who could only teach kids to do drugs and get piercings and tatto's. He told off another SG for being a mother and modelling for this site. I just think it's sad how some people have no power in their life that they have to go online and PAY to be a part of a site that they don't even like so they can tell girls off. Weird.
Geordie's wonderful. He told me that no matter what he'd take care of me and that we'd talk about it when he gets home from work. I love that guy. he's the bestest.
I'm very excited cause Chanel is gonna have a new set up soon. WOO HOO. exciting. Anyway , I'm gonna conclude this entry with some of my art. Have a great day everyone.

Thanks for the friendship.
i mean its driving me crazy really im head over heeels in debt.... female situation..... please lets not go there.... job outlook
only if im good at flipping burgers pushing carts lifting heavy shit for the poeopel that want it carried to their cars......
yeah exactly the kind of this that would break me as bad as basic training
oh well. ill have to survive somehow
i just wish that every spare dollar i had not spent on them wasnt sucked up elsewhere (usually for food or snackfood anyways)
i have to figure something out but i dunno how :x