BOOYAH! I'm back. My internet is back in action and I'm very happy. I haven't been here in quite a while. I sent in my SG photoset yesterday. I hope it get's accepted. *crosses fingers* Here's a sneek peek. Hopeflly this will work, my pictures have been acting weird.
Hope that worked. If not It's in the pic folder called shoot.
I got my tattoo. I don't have a pic of it yet. It's all scabby and yukki, but soon it will be butiful and I can show it off.
Saw star wars. It was ok. Much better than the last one. I just wish natalie Portman and Hayden Christianson could never have any diaologue together then I wouldn't barf multiple times during the film. Otherwise it was A-OK.
There are a bunch of jobs coming up that I am going to apply for. I'm really nervous, I need this job so bad, cause it's in a plce that I really want to work and it wil let Geordie go to school for free, and that would be so good.
I was sopposed to go to Ottowa for the long weekend. But it didn't really work out. I'm kinda unhappy about it casue I really needed a vacation. I feel like I never get a break. *le sigh* Oh well, good things come to those who wait............that's what I keep telling myself.
Anyways, i'm gonna try and relax a little bit before Geordie gets home and then I have to fly into high gear.
Hope that worked. If not It's in the pic folder called shoot.
I got my tattoo. I don't have a pic of it yet. It's all scabby and yukki, but soon it will be butiful and I can show it off.
Saw star wars. It was ok. Much better than the last one. I just wish natalie Portman and Hayden Christianson could never have any diaologue together then I wouldn't barf multiple times during the film. Otherwise it was A-OK.
There are a bunch of jobs coming up that I am going to apply for. I'm really nervous, I need this job so bad, cause it's in a plce that I really want to work and it wil let Geordie go to school for free, and that would be so good.
I was sopposed to go to Ottowa for the long weekend. But it didn't really work out. I'm kinda unhappy about it casue I really needed a vacation. I feel like I never get a break. *le sigh* Oh well, good things come to those who wait............that's what I keep telling myself.
Anyways, i'm gonna try and relax a little bit before Geordie gets home and then I have to fly into high gear.
nonono if you take out their diologue scenes all we are left with is them frollicing around and uber cheesy fireplace scenes...noooooooooo!
I thought you weren't allowed to share photo shoot pics early? Don't quote me on that, but I'm sure I heard it somewhere on here. Hmmmm. Regardless: good luck, and I approve