so on monday i take a total spill off my bike, dislocate my jaw, almost break my arm (the colours are pshycodelic) and scrape up my face, I'm a total work of art. My bike got stuck in a streetcar track and I flew It was creepy cause i could't hear out of my left ear for like 2 minutes. I showed up at work and they were like "ah, you're bleeding out of your face" So I got sent to emerg and they clened me all up. Geordie even came home from work to take care of me. He got me flowers and everything. He's a nice boy.

Today is Jessica's Birthday. And Erin's too.
Happy happy birthday.
Work is going well. I really like my placement, butI can't wait till it's over. I need to start making some C to the A-S-H.
Sending in SG pics , I'm so excited. woot
Anyway, it's hard to type like this
But enough of that, hope ya heal up quick, and good luck on you app pics, you definitely are looker.