Just had a pretty tastety lunch here at the mental health centre. Despite what you may be cheering for (yay Nici is finally in the loonie bin) I am not. I am at placement which is deep within the mental health centre. I really like this place. Everyone here is nice and they don't scream at the kids as opposed to my last place. I am in our incredibly small but surprisingly cozy staff room. I like my co-operating teacher. We have weekly mettings with one another and she corrects me as I'm doing something as opposed to later when it doesn't matter. anymore. I really wish that I didn't have to be in placement right now, but I don't regred withdring from the last summer one. It wa just too much, but this place is a good place so it's not as bad. It is a lab school which means that they are ahrdcore, but that's good becasue I need to be hard cored at so when I start working at U of T I am on the ball. I will be working there for the month of June and then who knows. There are contarcts coming up, but everyone wants a job there, so I'm going to work my butt off when I'm there to give an even more amazing impression. Hopefully that will help. I gotta review my crap though so I don't sound like a dumbass in the interview, not like it matters becasue I forget everything I want to do or say anyway whn I get in there. However, I will be there with familiar faces, so hopefully it will help me out. last night was great. Geordie came home and he was feeling stressed, so gladly I had already bought things to make a tastey dinner and I bought some stuff for a really relaxing bath. We ate some yummi food and then we had a bath with a bath bomb from lush which turned the tub pink (awwww) Then we ............nevermind. It was a good night. Anyway, I am gonna go , my lunch break is almost over
So, you WORK at the loonie bin? Sweet! I love the Niki. 

come out to the dance cave friday night. it's my birthday!