last night i went to a friend's birthday party in scottsdale.
i really like people-watching. it's fun. well, a friend of mine dragged me up to the bar to talk to these guys that wanted to buy her a shot, and i got to hear all about their other roommate (we'll call him dave), who was off drinking and talking to random chicks. apparently he works at some scottsdale gallery and does photography as a hobby. anyway...later on, dave was standing near us, and i decided to have some fun.
keep in mind that i don't know dave at all. never met him.
our conversation went something like this:
me: dave, how are you holding up?
dave: fine, how are you doing?
me: oh, you know. same as ever.
dave: yeah, i know, i haven't seen you in a while. (extends hand)
me: (taking his hand) yeah. it's rachel, by the way, in case you don't remember.
dave: of course i remember! i'd never forget you. (smiles)
me: so, how are things at the gallery?
dave: they're awesome! have you been there?
me: no, not yet. any new shows coming up?
dave then tells me all about the new shows. it goes like this for 20 minutes - he asked me about my life, how things were going, and then:
dave: how long has it been, anyway? i feel like i haven't seen you in months.
me: yeah, i think it has been a long time.
dave: i'm pretty sure i don't have your number anymore. i lost my phone a month ago.
me: oh, that sucks.
dave: let me give you my email address - you can write me and i'll send you information about the new shows.
me: awesome.
ha ha ha. my friends said they had no idea we knew each other. i said that we didn't, and explained. they got a big kick out of it.
i really like people-watching. it's fun. well, a friend of mine dragged me up to the bar to talk to these guys that wanted to buy her a shot, and i got to hear all about their other roommate (we'll call him dave), who was off drinking and talking to random chicks. apparently he works at some scottsdale gallery and does photography as a hobby. anyway...later on, dave was standing near us, and i decided to have some fun.
keep in mind that i don't know dave at all. never met him.
our conversation went something like this:
me: dave, how are you holding up?
dave: fine, how are you doing?
me: oh, you know. same as ever.
dave: yeah, i know, i haven't seen you in a while. (extends hand)
me: (taking his hand) yeah. it's rachel, by the way, in case you don't remember.
dave: of course i remember! i'd never forget you. (smiles)
me: so, how are things at the gallery?
dave: they're awesome! have you been there?
me: no, not yet. any new shows coming up?
dave then tells me all about the new shows. it goes like this for 20 minutes - he asked me about my life, how things were going, and then:
dave: how long has it been, anyway? i feel like i haven't seen you in months.
me: yeah, i think it has been a long time.
dave: i'm pretty sure i don't have your number anymore. i lost my phone a month ago.
me: oh, that sucks.
dave: let me give you my email address - you can write me and i'll send you information about the new shows.
me: awesome.
ha ha ha. my friends said they had no idea we knew each other. i said that we didn't, and explained. they got a big kick out of it.

Im so close to finishing my bass that I can taste the wood. Course, the taste could be from all the sanding dust I inhaled yesterday.