I got to work today and my boss was freaking out because he couldn't find his son. Turns out the little guy was hiding in a tree 'cause he didn't want to go to school. He's 3. Very cute. So all's well that ends well, but I didn't really need any coffee after that adrenaline rush!
Very late night last night. I came home with a headache and then fell asleep and stayed asleep until almost 10. I got a text message from a friend and decided to go up to hang out for a bit. Well, that wasn't smart considering I work at 7:30 AM. I didn't get home until almost 3. Oops. Good times, though.
Tonight it's dinner and mini-golf with the roommate and friends. Woo.
Very late night last night. I came home with a headache and then fell asleep and stayed asleep until almost 10. I got a text message from a friend and decided to go up to hang out for a bit. Well, that wasn't smart considering I work at 7:30 AM. I didn't get home until almost 3. Oops. Good times, though.
Tonight it's dinner and mini-golf with the roommate and friends. Woo.
Been to Scottsdale once..... very cool indeed. I think it even snowed if i'm not mistaking. But, these days i never can tell wether it actually happened the way i think i remember it, or if i'm just remebering things the way i wish they had of happened. Oh well, kinda cool actually.

Where are you mini-golfing? Is that huge ass waterslide park and video arcade place out in Mesa still in business?