So they just said we will have an answer forsure by 11:30 tommorow morning about the house. First of all I will believe that when I hear an answer but on that note I REALLY REALLY REALLY hope that they give us the answer we want.
Gloomy whether puts me in a gloomy mood

Alright it is a little later in the day and I am not so bummed out, hmmm I wonder if it is because the kids are finally in bed

My dad is a bit of a spaz, well not even a bit he is a super freak and he is acting all weird because he doesn't want to see my mom or siblings at my wedding even thought they are all his kids too, but this is the first time ever that he has phoned and had a reasonalbe conversation about anything really. He is scared to feel left out and like the outsider and that is why he is being extra weird. So I think I may have been able to ease his worries a little. But he is still a super FREAK!!!!!!!!!!!