WTF!! long story short, thanks fo all the sweet comments guys but i ain't goin' to UCSD...instead i'm goin' to Berkeley
on a fucking scholarship. it is surreal, feels like someone is playin' a joke on me.
i hate cold weather though
otherwise, life has been the usual mix of highs and lows. funerals. spiderman 3 blew, as i knew it would. my ass and hands are all bruised up from an embarassing slip on sandy concrete (WE WERE HIKING AND I WAS SO PROUD OF MYSELF FOR NOT TRIPPING WHILE WE RAN DOWN THE MOUNTAIN, BEING ATTACKED BY A SWARM OF MEAN, NASTY FLIES. THEN I FALL ON THE DAMN CONCRETE

i hate cold weather though

otherwise, life has been the usual mix of highs and lows. funerals. spiderman 3 blew, as i knew it would. my ass and hands are all bruised up from an embarassing slip on sandy concrete (WE WERE HIKING AND I WAS SO PROUD OF MYSELF FOR NOT TRIPPING WHILE WE RAN DOWN THE MOUNTAIN, BEING ATTACKED BY A SWARM OF MEAN, NASTY FLIES. THEN I FALL ON THE DAMN CONCRETE

well, I don't like danger, but I like a little bit of action from time to time
MY sis and bro-in-law live in Berkeley after living in LA for years and they like it. Actually, he is abt 38 and went to college late, beginning at a community college, then also got a scholarship to Berkeley. he is a brit and a bit of a snob
Now I'd love for you to look them up bc my sister in particular is the coolest person in the universe. But, uh, we'll have to say we met on MYSPACE, ok?
DOn't worry, it really isn't that cold