life is good, i am full of food and thoughts at the moment...
EXCITING SHIT: i got a new toothbrush that is made for lil' kids. it has lights inside and flashes for exactly a minute straight. i was not aware, but that is the proper amount of time one is supposed to brush for!
its cool to do it in the dark and see the red light flashing in my mouf. If only everything boring could be made fun.
hafta read a book called Fast Food Nation for school. has anyone read this one? i heard that it is along the lines of the movie, "Supersize Me," which was quite eye-opening. I'm in the slow-food industry haha but i can relate
EXCITING SHIT: i got a new toothbrush that is made for lil' kids. it has lights inside and flashes for exactly a minute straight. i was not aware, but that is the proper amount of time one is supposed to brush for!
hafta read a book called Fast Food Nation for school. has anyone read this one? i heard that it is along the lines of the movie, "Supersize Me," which was quite eye-opening. I'm in the slow-food industry haha but i can relate
i did, but there are just too many beautiful girl here to just ignore....
but i also had a slight chemical isssue....