back from clearwater - i ate like a friggin pig -- oy.
but man those oysters were good, and shrimp, and cod sandwiches, and key lime pie hmmm... key lime pie

but man those oysters were good, and shrimp, and cod sandwiches, and key lime pie hmmm... key lime pie

Not much new and exciting, just doing my thing until I have the desire to make something else my new thing, hehe. I haven't sworn off martial arts, just not anywhere near the school so other than training on my own I haven't done much. Heading back down to PA in a couple of weeks and I'll get some training in while I'm there. I'm stoked to put my hand through some more concrete blocks. I'm long past due.
Congrats on your new degree! Boo to hurting yourself
Lucky ass that you got to see Wicked. I still want to see that so bad! Have fun camping!