Thursday Nov 30, 2006 Nov 30, 2006 0 Facebook Tweet Email how could you not be against the death penalty? linky VIEW 4 of 4 COMMENTS capt_sparrow: i concur fully if we reinacted the death penalty and actually followed threw with it i think thee would be alot less violent crimes. people would be to scared. and on top of it we should televis it to. you know people would watch too Nov 30, 2006 jennylou: What a fucking psyco bitch! I am pro death penalty... always have been (even after I met the lady who wrote Dead Man Walking) I am done being pissy about her for today... it'll probably come back next time she says something to piss me off. Dec 1, 2006
I am done being pissy about her for today... it'll probably come back next time she says something to piss me off.