I'm just going to come out with it. Almost all of my friends and acquaintances around here have ceased to be any fun whatsoever, so I'm looking for local peeps to meet and hang out with. If you are a person who actually enjoys doing things and is in a similar situation, AND lives in or around the Lehigh Valley in PA, feel free to...
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im moving soon!
Okay, I'm going to need some assistance from my Christian peeps out there. I was just doing my laundry and saw a procession of people walking past kinda sorta re-creating the crucifixion of Jesus. It was odd for many reasons(the Romans looked like a marching band, Jesus seemed to be about sixteen), but I'm just wondering if this is a normal Eastertime practice, or if...
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Well, I dont consider myself religious, but I did grow up in a pretty religious community and I too have witnessed what you just described. Yes, i'm pretty sure its some kind of Eastertime tradition. I always hated this time of the year when I lived there. For some reason that procession (or what have you) scared the crap out of a tiny me. I'm still not sure why. I remember hearing peoples voices from a few blocks down (I suppose they were reciting hymns), then running and hiding in my room with a pillow over my head. blush
I wish I could make it to NY
Here we are. The morning after. I have my own personal Tyler Durden, only mine is maudlin and comes out not from a lack of sleep, but from drinking when too much is on my mind. He leaves me with things like that last blog, and I imagine if he were to start organizing clubs they would be dedicated to spewing melancholia at other grown...
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One of those nights. Went out for a drink and ran into some old ghosts. Bought a ticket for the Playful Melancholy Express. Playing games of 'What if?' and dwelling on the past, and the choices that brought me to Right Now. Missing old friends. Blasting great music. Listening to the heart as it develops new cracks, and laughing at the whole self-absorbed affair.
Must be something in the air....and it seems to be contagious!
Well it's just another day full of me ranting like a lunatic at people who cannot spell the simplest of words correctly. Oh public school system, methinks you need a reform bill too.

I have reached a political cul de sac. Have you had that moment where you want more than anything else to do your part and do it properly, so that real solutions might be found for our very real problems? Me too. So I attempt to inform myself, not just with the facts behind the issues, or the workings of the political process itself, but...
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Moby's 'Animal Rights' is fantastic to fuck to. Observe:

Moby on YouTube

Underrated album, really.
Not what I had expected, having only heard his newer stuff up until this point. Tends to incline one towards some rather violent fucking, but I don't find that to be a bad thing.
Right now there are some lunatics outside setting off fireworks. There's no holiday today that I'm aware of. And it's SNOWING.

Some days life just feels like this:

Oh, I wouldn't have a problem with "short attention span and biological urge for chase and conquest" - it's the pretending to be MORE invested than that I have a problem with. smile
More ranting!

I really wish folks would pay attention. I understand, the world around us full of shiny things and bright colors and songs that get stuck in your head, but PLEASE, for the love of your particular benevolent deity, PAY ATTENTION. If there is a pedestrian trying to cross the street in a crosswalk while the crossing signal is lit, do not just plow...
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cheers to a simple world where we don't have to deal with all this! i want to just NOT deal with the other people on this earth for ONE day.
I agree! This is the exact way I feel after dealing with people after a long day at work. They're just so inconsiderate! Some days I just feel like I hate humanity. Of course this is a silly notion, especially when you consider the fact that I don't know all of humanity, but still!