This abysmal weather has forced me to get a haircut, which is now on display as my profile pic.
Tomorrow is the Clutch show here in Allentown, which is no doubt going to kick seven different kinds of ass. What will probably kick considerably less is the fact that there are going to be four, count 'em-FOUR, opening bands playing before the main event begins at 11:00. That seems excessive, especially considering most opening bands are mediocre at best. This is a plot to make me buy more overpriced, watered-down beer. Or perhaps a scientific experiment meant to discover just how long it takes for several hundred meatheads in altered states in a small building in 90 degree weather to start pummeling each other into beef pudding.
Tomorrow is the Clutch show here in Allentown, which is no doubt going to kick seven different kinds of ass. What will probably kick considerably less is the fact that there are going to be four, count 'em-FOUR, opening bands playing before the main event begins at 11:00. That seems excessive, especially considering most opening bands are mediocre at best. This is a plot to make me buy more overpriced, watered-down beer. Or perhaps a scientific experiment meant to discover just how long it takes for several hundred meatheads in altered states in a small building in 90 degree weather to start pummeling each other into beef pudding.
I'm going to El Paso. I drove for ten hours yesterday and a five already today... Now I'm eating a sandwich in my car somewhere in Illinois. This is actually more fun than I thought It'd be. Aaaaaannnnddd only 18 more hours to go.
Texas was, is great. I'm still here. It's an ungodly temperature but it's home. The drive back to Boston should be interesting....