Okay, I'm going to need some assistance from my Christian peeps out there. I was just doing my laundry and saw a procession of people walking past kinda sorta re-creating the crucifixion of Jesus. It was odd for many reasons(the Romans looked like a marching band, Jesus seemed to be about sixteen), but I'm just wondering if this is a normal Eastertime practice, or if perhaps I've just witnessed some local wingnuts doling out some good 'ol fashioned vigilante-style capital punishment. Either way, it sure spruced up the Friday chores.
Well, I dont consider myself religious, but I did grow up in a pretty religious community and I too have witnessed what you just described. Yes, i'm pretty sure its some kind of Eastertime tradition. I always hated this time of the year when I lived there. For some reason that procession (or what have you) scared the crap out of a tiny me. I'm still not sure why. I remember hearing peoples voices from a few blocks down (I suppose they were reciting hymns), then running and hiding in my room with a pillow over my head. 

I wish I could make it to NY