okay you all check it Becca..my new job...especially the girlies LUUUUUUUUUUUV this stuff it's awesome. If you're like me and you HATE wearing heavy make up, it's super rad. The line is from Austrailia, SPF 25ish, as all natural as you can get, we can pretty much match any, and I mean any effin skin color/type, beautiful colors, all pharmacutical(sp) grade ingredients.... and the new colors coming out are HOT. All the foundations are basically just a tinted moisturizer, thats vitamin a,d,c, and e fortified, so instead of applying 9 bazillions things on your face it's just one- super cool. So check it e-mail me if you're interested, I'll totally work shit out and ship it to you, or come see me at Nordstrom downtown if you're in PDX.
hugs and
hugs and

Do the U.S stores have differnt colour lines to Australia? Someone told me they did..