thanks to those who responded to my political rantings (in the last entry, if you want to check it out). you made me feel less alone with all of the shit that happened this week!
so lets see.......
first off, ive got a bunch of new and old random pics in my folder (more random shit, or something like that). it includes a picture of my love, corrie!
she was here from sunday till wednesday. we had an amazing time. its funny how my apartment feels like a home when she is there... i do love her so.
still looking for a job. going slowly, as things tend to do. but i am super confident that ill be out of here within the next few months. i hope by the beginning of the year, but if not then, soon after. keep sending those good thoughts!!
i go home in 2 weeks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! for the first time since ive been here i am taking an extended period of time off (not counting my 2 suspensions
). i will be home for 10 days!!!
corrie and i will do our first holiday together at my folks house for thanksgiving. i am really looking forward to that! should be awesome!!
my producer chad finally broke down and got himself a membership last week, so go and check him out. he's lotuspod81 hes a good kid. make him a friend!
dunno what else to update. i hope that everyone had a great week and is going to have fun this weekend. i dont see any big thing for me this weekend. going to a hockey game with chad, in the corporate box, tonight. outside of that, the weekend is pretty much bare. oh well, hopefully i can catch up on some of the sleep that i didnt get when corrie was here
love y'all....
so lets see.......
first off, ive got a bunch of new and old random pics in my folder (more random shit, or something like that). it includes a picture of my love, corrie!

still looking for a job. going slowly, as things tend to do. but i am super confident that ill be out of here within the next few months. i hope by the beginning of the year, but if not then, soon after. keep sending those good thoughts!!

i go home in 2 weeks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! for the first time since ive been here i am taking an extended period of time off (not counting my 2 suspensions

my producer chad finally broke down and got himself a membership last week, so go and check him out. he's lotuspod81 hes a good kid. make him a friend!
dunno what else to update. i hope that everyone had a great week and is going to have fun this weekend. i dont see any big thing for me this weekend. going to a hockey game with chad, in the corporate box, tonight. outside of that, the weekend is pretty much bare. oh well, hopefully i can catch up on some of the sleep that i didnt get when corrie was here

love y'all....
thanksgiving is coming up so quickly! weve started teaching the kiddies about it and before we know it, well have to start hannukah!