on a shitty, cold, rainy monday:
-had a good time this weekend at home. that being said, the flying sucked ass!! flight from dayton was delayed. got into hartford late. and flying hurts the hell out of my knees. however, i did eat about 7 vicodins, so i managed to deal with things pretty well!
BOTH of my flights on sunday were delayed or just plain late!! i had to RUN inbetween to get to the gate on time, only to find that the flight was delayed. i almost set myself on fire at that point...
but, as i said, the weekend was good. it was nice to see corrie, and the folks, and some old friends at my buddy joe's wedding. he was actually kind of surprised that i showed up, even though i rsvp'd and everything.. oh well. i suppose i can be flakey at times and until you actually SEE me sometimes you dont know if you will see me...
-hated getting up this morning. not good times. i am tired as hell from the weekend and getting up early was just not at all good for me. then at work, i did all that i needed to do, but had to stay around an extra hour to go to a stupid meeting. ugh... but hey, only 4 more days till the weekend, right?
- my red sox are KILLING me. i cant even talk about this rationally..
i think that i want to share some words with you all.. ive been doing the whole writing thing for many years, but have not really gotten much out there over the past 4 or 5 years. so, here is something i wrote about a year and a half ago..
go south of the ride down below the hills
get lost in the garden that lies beneath
pass around the light which walks with you
pacing, each step a slow, deliberate crawl...
torch lit canyon sprawling out past imagination's reach
people see as people do--can you whisper it to me?
the eternal trick of time holding steady
never relinquishing a stride to the mortals
laughing back at the abyss with a
calculated smirk and lighted tone
a fool's dream, waking life has become a
constant question of hope and the delusion
of peace....
-had a good time this weekend at home. that being said, the flying sucked ass!! flight from dayton was delayed. got into hartford late. and flying hurts the hell out of my knees. however, i did eat about 7 vicodins, so i managed to deal with things pretty well!

but, as i said, the weekend was good. it was nice to see corrie, and the folks, and some old friends at my buddy joe's wedding. he was actually kind of surprised that i showed up, even though i rsvp'd and everything.. oh well. i suppose i can be flakey at times and until you actually SEE me sometimes you dont know if you will see me...

-hated getting up this morning. not good times. i am tired as hell from the weekend and getting up early was just not at all good for me. then at work, i did all that i needed to do, but had to stay around an extra hour to go to a stupid meeting. ugh... but hey, only 4 more days till the weekend, right?

- my red sox are KILLING me. i cant even talk about this rationally..
i think that i want to share some words with you all.. ive been doing the whole writing thing for many years, but have not really gotten much out there over the past 4 or 5 years. so, here is something i wrote about a year and a half ago..
go south of the ride down below the hills
get lost in the garden that lies beneath
pass around the light which walks with you
pacing, each step a slow, deliberate crawl...
torch lit canyon sprawling out past imagination's reach
people see as people do--can you whisper it to me?
the eternal trick of time holding steady
never relinquishing a stride to the mortals
laughing back at the abyss with a
calculated smirk and lighted tone
a fool's dream, waking life has become a
constant question of hope and the delusion
of peace....
but yeah, if you wanna come out with us on friday, that would rock. we got a nice lil group coming i think. i guess we're doing dinner around 7 - 8... then hitting up a haunted house... then the guys are hitting up the strip club. its gonna be fun, and if ya decide to come out, we can hook ya up with a place to crash, just say the word!
have fun at the deftones tonight!!!