what a fucked up morning!!!
so, im driving in to work this morning and as i pull up to the building, i notice that all of the neon lights are out. (we have like 6 or 8 stations here, so all of their calls are out front in neon..) i take a further look and notice that there is not much light at all coming from the building. chad (my friend/producer/hetero-lifemate) calls me to tell me that all the power went out in the building. the stations were fine, as they run on a seperate generator, and the air studios had lights and shit. but, the printers did not work, the air conditioning was off, the vending machines (read: breakfast holders) were not working, etc... to top THAT off, we have electronic keys to get into the building. those were off, but they automatically open the doors, so i could at least get into the building.
so, im inside and trying to get as much prep work done as i can without my computer, a printer, or half of the prep services (as we print them out). i get done as much as i can, and chad says that he is going to make a run to the convieniance store to get some breakfast. since he is scared of the dark (no joke) i walk downstairs with him. as we get outside, it looks like his passenger window is down. upon further inspection, it was down...in pieces on the ground. yup, someone broke into his car! (all of the lights in the parking lot were, of course, out due to the power outage, thus making it quite dark in the lot at 5:30am) so, back inside we go to call the cops....
the lights came back on around 6, just before i went on air. chad was up and down all morning going out to talk to cops and to the CSI guys (again, no joking), who had to dust his car for prints... the show was pretty shot at this point, and i dont even remember any of what we did today...
after the show, i drop chad off back at his house (the car was still a crime scene at this point) and while on the road it occurs to me: i dont remember if we touched his car at all, but if we did and they dust for prints and find mine, well i got arrested out here in ohio in '95. i dont know what it would pull up (if anything) but it might be funny to get questioned for the whole deal...
so THAT was my morning...
-saw the knee specialist yesterday. he thinks that its NOT torn cartiledge, but a small tear of the medial collateral ligament. surgery is not really going to help the healing process, so he just is going to have me do p/t while it is still "healing." (even though its been "healing" since JULY!!!) anyways, not the best visit in the world, as it seems like nothing will ever make this damn thing better. on the plus side, he did give me more vicodin-so ive got THAT goin' for me
gonna leave you with this, from the movie 'entropy':
-there are 3 truths in life. youre born, your gonna die, and things change. well... maybe one more. everyone has their "stella," and once you do, no one else comes close....
so, im driving in to work this morning and as i pull up to the building, i notice that all of the neon lights are out. (we have like 6 or 8 stations here, so all of their calls are out front in neon..) i take a further look and notice that there is not much light at all coming from the building. chad (my friend/producer/hetero-lifemate) calls me to tell me that all the power went out in the building. the stations were fine, as they run on a seperate generator, and the air studios had lights and shit. but, the printers did not work, the air conditioning was off, the vending machines (read: breakfast holders) were not working, etc... to top THAT off, we have electronic keys to get into the building. those were off, but they automatically open the doors, so i could at least get into the building.
so, im inside and trying to get as much prep work done as i can without my computer, a printer, or half of the prep services (as we print them out). i get done as much as i can, and chad says that he is going to make a run to the convieniance store to get some breakfast. since he is scared of the dark (no joke) i walk downstairs with him. as we get outside, it looks like his passenger window is down. upon further inspection, it was down...in pieces on the ground. yup, someone broke into his car! (all of the lights in the parking lot were, of course, out due to the power outage, thus making it quite dark in the lot at 5:30am) so, back inside we go to call the cops....
the lights came back on around 6, just before i went on air. chad was up and down all morning going out to talk to cops and to the CSI guys (again, no joking), who had to dust his car for prints... the show was pretty shot at this point, and i dont even remember any of what we did today...
after the show, i drop chad off back at his house (the car was still a crime scene at this point) and while on the road it occurs to me: i dont remember if we touched his car at all, but if we did and they dust for prints and find mine, well i got arrested out here in ohio in '95. i dont know what it would pull up (if anything) but it might be funny to get questioned for the whole deal...
so THAT was my morning...
-saw the knee specialist yesterday. he thinks that its NOT torn cartiledge, but a small tear of the medial collateral ligament. surgery is not really going to help the healing process, so he just is going to have me do p/t while it is still "healing." (even though its been "healing" since JULY!!!) anyways, not the best visit in the world, as it seems like nothing will ever make this damn thing better. on the plus side, he did give me more vicodin-so ive got THAT goin' for me

gonna leave you with this, from the movie 'entropy':
-there are 3 truths in life. youre born, your gonna die, and things change. well... maybe one more. everyone has their "stella," and once you do, no one else comes close....

that lyric just stuck out to me to i wrote it down
no lead cannot be overcomed.
i have to wonder if the yanks are gonna have a letdown tomorrow, or if kevin brown's head is gonna explode when he hits the mound.
thank god for manny's outfielding exploits.