fucking wednesday....
-team america is FUCKING HILARIOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! seriously... trey and matt are brilliant. they really out did themselves with this one!! the flick is smart, funny, and vulgar as hell!!
it has the most graphic sex scene between marionettes EVER
seriously, they fucking GO TO TOWN on eachother!!! i so highly recommend seeig the flick when it comes out on friday!!
-going to see that knee specialist today. i kinda hope that he will be able to fix the knee so it stops fucking hurtng... as i have said before, i dont really care if i have to have surgery, so long as it stops hurting... and, one last time, the moral of the story is: drinking+trying to climb fences+ rain=my dumb ass= BAD TIMES!!
-a quote to share with you from hunter s. thompson about the industry that i work in:
"the radio business is a cruel and shallow money trench, a long plastic hallway where theives and pimps run free, and good men die like dogs... there's also a negative side."
truer words have never been spoken!
-team america is FUCKING HILARIOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! seriously... trey and matt are brilliant. they really out did themselves with this one!! the flick is smart, funny, and vulgar as hell!!

-going to see that knee specialist today. i kinda hope that he will be able to fix the knee so it stops fucking hurtng... as i have said before, i dont really care if i have to have surgery, so long as it stops hurting... and, one last time, the moral of the story is: drinking+trying to climb fences+ rain=my dumb ass= BAD TIMES!!
-a quote to share with you from hunter s. thompson about the industry that i work in:
"the radio business is a cruel and shallow money trench, a long plastic hallway where theives and pimps run free, and good men die like dogs... there's also a negative side."
truer words have never been spoken!

you have a WONDERFUL DAY as well