some days you do cool shit at this job, some days are like today.... so ive got the band alter bridge coming in today for an interview and to play their single... if you dont know who they are, they are the members of creed NOT named scott stapp.. (and here i was thanking my lucky stars that creed broke up and i would never have to do something like this ever again!) well, needless to say i am not that enthused for the interview, and i really dont have any questions to ask of them.. ive been told that i can ask creed stuff, so i might just try to get them to go off on stapp and how much of a coke snorting, jesus complex, ego maniac he was.. dunno..
all i have to say is
BUT, corrie is here, and that makes my day!
all i have to say is

BUT, corrie is here, and that makes my day!
I will come in for times like that and piss on the table.
Nothing like streams of pee to change the mood. Mauaua

dude sorry to hear about the bad times this past weekend and the shit interview but you have to pay the bills somehow don't you...