I just got back from a camping trip. It rained for two days which did make it a little difficult to get out and take pictures, but I got some great water droplet shots. This group of pictures though is just tree bark related.
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Good news everyone! I've got more wood shots. Pictures to follow. @midnightsun
I'm really on a black and white kick with my pictures lately. There's just something about it. I think taking a class here in the near future would be a good way to sharpen my skills.
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There's nothing like a little Who in the morning when I'm feeling crappy with a cold. This video cracks me up. I can't help but laugh when Keith Moon acts like a goofball.
I had a fucked up dream last night where 4 little people were tap dancing and stuffing potato salad down their pants while humming it's a small world after all. That would have to be hands down the weirdest fucking dream I've had in a long while. It wasn't bad per se, it was just really confusing as to what was happening. What is one...
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God damn I'm a sappy bastard. Every time I hear Change the World by Eric Clapt0n I tear up. It really gets me right in the feels. What songs do that for you?