Well i though i was on my way to recovery, well that was my excuse for getting drunk (not that i ever really need one) Anyway i don't think i am quite as ready for full scale alcohol abuse just yet. Of course i got drunk and it was fun but not quite as fun as it should have been. I mean honestly, i pity the fool who doesn't enjoy booze and playstation but i was ready for my bed again after only two drinks (and no i don't mean in that way ladies, not that i'd complain) but i am still feeling a little fatigued.
It was an awesome day today, beautiful and warm . I did manage to squeeze in a game of pitch n' putt in the gloreous sun (i swear i'm addicted to p&p) I got beat but not before staging an awesome comeback (5 down five to go) we drew the last hole for a victory for my oppenent. I am quite competitive, i didn't really know this but it turns out i am very competitive.
I saw Kingdom of Heaven recently and really enjoyed it, it's not what i'd go to see if Ridely Scott hadn't made it but it was on of those films where the more you watch it the more it sucks you in. I also saw a great movie only second to Sin City this year called 'Kung Fu Huslte' I am a total movie geek and this movie fed the geek in me.
Right, i really want to sleep some some more, so that's what i'm gonna do. ciao
I appologise for not leaving you many message recently, i'll make it up when i'm a bit more on form.
It was an awesome day today, beautiful and warm . I did manage to squeeze in a game of pitch n' putt in the gloreous sun (i swear i'm addicted to p&p) I got beat but not before staging an awesome comeback (5 down five to go) we drew the last hole for a victory for my oppenent. I am quite competitive, i didn't really know this but it turns out i am very competitive.
I saw Kingdom of Heaven recently and really enjoyed it, it's not what i'd go to see if Ridely Scott hadn't made it but it was on of those films where the more you watch it the more it sucks you in. I also saw a great movie only second to Sin City this year called 'Kung Fu Huslte' I am a total movie geek and this movie fed the geek in me.
Right, i really want to sleep some some more, so that's what i'm gonna do. ciao
I appologise for not leaving you many message recently, i'll make it up when i'm a bit more on form.
Feel better, dude. Surprising how vodka doesn't kill germs or make you feel better. . . cause you'd think. . . but no.

Hope you are feeling better...it sounds like you are still up to fun though