Don't i look a touch smart today? I had an interview, not for a job but for a media course thing. I am not doing it for learning but for networking purposes only. the people that run it are all well regarded in film and tv and i think they should be forced to meet me in person instead of ignoring my calls. Anyway, i got accepted on the spot. If all goes accordingly, i will be shooting a new short film in the next few months. Any idea's? My advertising past has whored all the original creative juices from me .
If you had to make a short film, what would it be genre/concept/ starring?

Don't i look a touch smart today? I had an interview, not for a job but for a media course thing. I am not doing it for learning but for networking purposes only. the people that run it are all well regarded in film and tv and i think they should be forced to meet me in person instead of ignoring my calls. Anyway, i got accepted on the spot. If all goes accordingly, i will be shooting a new short film in the next few months. Any idea's? My advertising past has whored all the original creative juices from me .
If you had to make a short film, what would it be genre/concept/ starring?
Damn sexy, If I may.
Hmmm I'll have to think about the film idea.
and yes, I want to learn to make love the bruce cambell way.