Really very little has happened today, but that's not my fault, i blame Trent Reznor. My day centred on trying to get hold of tickets to the NIN's gig in Glasgow when they went on sale at 4pm. They are playing a small venue that fits only about fifteen hundred. It's called the Barrowlands and for those who don't know "The Barra's" as it's known, it's argueably the best venue in the UK. Also it was the hunting ground for serial killer Bible John and that's only part of it's violent past. Of course this all adds to the vibe of the place. It's the one place in the world i would want to see the NIN. Anyway tickets sold out in 6mins but not before i got mine.
On the job front i am quite upbeat and have taken the bull by the horns and contacted a couple of leads about a job or two. One looks very promising. I also managed to do some work on my script and it's starting to take a bit of shape in the areas that need it.
I am planning to hit the booze as hard as i can over the weekend, starting with a little get together on friday at a friends. I need it. Hope everyone is planning to kick back likewise.
Got to go find a postbox even though it's almost the middle of the night.
Anyway stay too cool for school. ciao
On the job front i am quite upbeat and have taken the bull by the horns and contacted a couple of leads about a job or two. One looks very promising. I also managed to do some work on my script and it's starting to take a bit of shape in the areas that need it.
I am planning to hit the booze as hard as i can over the weekend, starting with a little get together on friday at a friends. I need it. Hope everyone is planning to kick back likewise.
Got to go find a postbox even though it's almost the middle of the night.
Anyway stay too cool for school. ciao
haha..not sure? best friend and I always wanted a film crew to tape us..we are such good candadates for that shit..a reality show of the twins..(she's born same day and year).hehehe today i took matters into my own hands and took my trusty new little cam..and filmed us at the beach..

it was just a very frustrating dream about a past relationship