Word up SG universe, how are you keeping. I've been keeping my mouth shut recently, on account of all the problems my mouth has cost me in the past. I think it's time to mix it up a bit; keep the body guessing. I've been a busy bee. I've landed myself a job... of sorts. I'm now officially self employed and working an SLA as a 'Cuntsultant' to a company. What does this mean exactly? Well i advise them on their media and advertising setup and they pay me handsomely. I can't say any more than that i'm afraid as i am bound by some heavy-duty non-disclosure agreements (not for the first time might i add; Harry Potter had me under and interesting one once upon a time). That said i don't think that you would really be all that interested in what the company does anyway; although my role is interesting from my perspective. So how does this help me become a tattoo artist? Well not directly that's for sure but, having spent the last three years working towards becoming a tattoo artist through the conventional routes ie. apprenticeships with no luck, i needed a new plan. Although i did work for an awesome tattoo shop this year it didn't lead to an apprenticeship... gutted. Still i have a new plan and my new financial arrangements will go a long way towards making this happen. Either way it looks like i am my own boss from now forth. Wish me luck.
In other news i shaved my beard off. I sure do miss it.
Right i'm off to find some shenanigans to get up into.
Laters masturbators.
In other news i shaved my beard off. I sure do miss it.
Right i'm off to find some shenanigans to get up into.
Laters masturbators.
Hurray for self employment.