So it's been brought to my attention my actions have been very inappropriate and appalling, regarding a post that was made in May. That isn't the only thing that is up for question, but the increase of my lack of respect for women. I don't feel the need to explain myself but I will clarify any thoughts that you may have that are tangled with confusion. I realize I may have made a lot of women uncomfortable with the post I've made in the past. Those weren't my intentions by any means. What happens to me is because of my own decisions, in past posts I was bitter and frustrated from my unappealing profile so I began to shoot more to make myself for appealing to the SG audience. But it did nothing. And I began to grow impatient. And as a result of my frustration, I began to lash out not at anyone directly. Then the most recent post about how I playful said it should be manditory for all SGs and SGH to make a twerk video butt naked. This was not a suggestion just a post I made from a SGH who make a twerk video that just to be amazing. So that energy then carried over into the post. But some are making me out to be some monster for insenusting I was suggesting it. I did this for my prosecutors @pulp and @phecda
Wtf, are we saints or sinners. I am well aware what comes into my life is my own doing. Never have I said it wasn't. And my comments and rationale. It was a gradual ongoing thing. Repeatedly, asking, inqiuerying, trying, commenting. That when the pattern started. Feeling that feeling when you try and try and try and try and try and try and nothing comes of it. Then I began to lash out. But never have I said FUCK hopefuls for not shooting with me, it might have been fuck being a hopeful photographer cuz no one wants to shoot with a hopeful photographer.
Hey it's ok. It's fine. I'll leave. I tried my absolute best before things got sour. I'll just leave