Hello everyone,
you all know that I'm very bad on writing post/blog but..
I heard that someone questioned again that @cecylia was underage when we took her first set.
Although @cecylia and I had clarified and demonstrated to SG’s staff and to anyone who had expressed doubts about whether Cecilia was of legal age at the time of the photo shoot, I am forced to make public the evidence hoping to remove any doubts on the issue.
Cecylia was of legal age August 9, 1997 profile info below
We shot her 1st set a-place-to-hide the August 17, 2015.
Below the info about one of the set RAW files (remind everyone that raw files cannot be modified):
I think that solves any doubt about it and that the matter is finally resolved.
If anyone feels the need to continue the conversation, they can do so in court (I have no problem showing a judge evidence of what I’ve shown you all 😉 ).
@missy, @sean
Thank you for reading