so my Chi is here at last, with his own membership. and he's making an impression on everyone, as he calls himself ChiRex. go visit him, if you haven't already. he's such an interesting guy... there's a reason why i married him, after all.
he, funny quote from him this weekend, as i IM'd an old friend of his that thinks she dated him: "Why is it that all the girlsin my life feel compelled to bond over making fun of me?"
oh, me? i'm fine. didn't even have such a bad day at work yesterday, accounting for the fact that it was my birthday. ::whew:: only 2 shifts left. and now i'm 24. what am i supposed to do with that, exactly? i'm not quite a quarter of a century. i've reached my mid-twenties. i'm not quite old enough to start getting upset over it, but really... why can't a birthday turn out right anymore? one right birthday out of 18 is a very bad ratio.
okay, gettin' sad now, domi. go look at chi's profile pic again, that makes it better. ::grin:: that is SUCH a cute/dorky picture. and he maligned me in that entry, the one about long hair! i don't care if he cuts it, really. he looks hot with it short. but... ::sigh:: just, not yet. let it get braiding length first. ::bigbrownpuppydogeyes:: pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease?
okay, so i'm weirdly crazy in love with a dorky fun-loving guy who accepts everything about me, including that annoying past and all my relations. it's hard to find all that in one place under the best of circumstances, but he came into my life at the worst, and still we were lucky enough to see each other for what was real.
umm, i thik that's enough rambling about my lover for one day.
he, funny quote from him this weekend, as i IM'd an old friend of his that thinks she dated him: "Why is it that all the girlsin my life feel compelled to bond over making fun of me?"
oh, me? i'm fine. didn't even have such a bad day at work yesterday, accounting for the fact that it was my birthday. ::whew:: only 2 shifts left. and now i'm 24. what am i supposed to do with that, exactly? i'm not quite a quarter of a century. i've reached my mid-twenties. i'm not quite old enough to start getting upset over it, but really... why can't a birthday turn out right anymore? one right birthday out of 18 is a very bad ratio.
okay, gettin' sad now, domi. go look at chi's profile pic again, that makes it better. ::grin:: that is SUCH a cute/dorky picture. and he maligned me in that entry, the one about long hair! i don't care if he cuts it, really. he looks hot with it short. but... ::sigh:: just, not yet. let it get braiding length first. ::bigbrownpuppydogeyes:: pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease?

okay, so i'm weirdly crazy in love with a dorky fun-loving guy who accepts everything about me, including that annoying past and all my relations. it's hard to find all that in one place under the best of circumstances, but he came into my life at the worst, and still we were lucky enough to see each other for what was real.
umm, i thik that's enough rambling about my lover for one day.

so yeah, i wasnt trying to piss anyone off on the bra thread....thats very cool you work with those kids.
you didnt kill it doll. dont worry about it. oh yeah i love your profile pic! its so cute.