i made a journal entry yesterday morning, but it was short and i've realized that i had lots of other things i wanted to say about this week so here goes a longer one. the trouble is that while i have time to writein the morning, i normally would have slept in till much later than now. and that's because mornings where chi works and i don't, i feel very lonely. so, normally i would be sleeping that feeling away, so there was as little time as possible to miss him in. i know that sounds weird, especially when you realize that we've already been together more than two years. this should not be any kind of issue.
lessee, what else.... i have two countdowns now. it's officially 11 days to my birthday!
birthdays.... even though i've begun to dread them as well, because i never really get what i want. ::shrug:: and anyway, my mom sent me her present early, and it was one of those cheesy singing animals you're supposed to display on the wall. chi got a chocolate bunny for his (which is the day before mine) from my mom and 2 premium steaks from his parents. they forgot my birthday, which is surprising, because theydon't like me at all and they like to cover it up by being extra faux nice. which is weird; why is it that someone with an avowed dislike for me to the point of refusing to converse with me at family functions, be able to give such good gifts? well, i guess it's not really fair to say that about both his parents. his mom likes me a little and shows it, too, when her husband's not around. my dad always asks me what i want, and gets me exactly that and maybe something else. but chi thinks he found my birthday present already (unless it's something for dad's girlfriend, but he said it looked unlikely) and the dork actually went and told me what it was. but i haven't seen it, so maybe i can still be surprised.
everybody else except chi will forget my birthday.
oh, and i have to work on my birthday. but that's actually okay, because i'm turning in my 2weeks notice this friday, which brings me to countdown number 2! 16 DAYS TILL I QUIT MY JOB! waaaaaaaaaaahoooooooooooo!!!
i am soooooo looking forward to taking a vacation. i mean, i'm gonna miss my coworkers, and some of the kids, and definitely my boss, but i've earned a serious break. and since chi is going back to school with $15,000 in student aid this fall, we don't have to move immediately and find new jobs. i mean, i'm looking, but i can relax about it and enjoy my summer. i'll prolly grab some little job at starbucks or waiting tables for the summer--something totally unrelated to my field of study and pretend i'm back in highschool or college, taking a summer job. at 24.
damn i'm looking forward to actually enjoying this summer.
one more thing, which is lurid, so if you don't like details, don't read this paragraph.: inspired by the accounts of it in the dirtytalk boards, i told chi i was curious about how it felt to do it with his package shaved. now, i thought he would freak out and tell me no way, but he said if i really wanted to know, we should try it. so we had ourselves a little "shaving party" and shaved each other (i've been bare for a long time)
and actually, it was a vast improvement for both of us. so we're thinking of maintaining it that way. ::shrug:: maybe. it was just more comfy. and comfy sex means more sex!
okay, i guess that last thing might be considered TMI. but i'm sick and tired of modesty. i'm a run around naked in your own home kind of chick, and have been repressing that for years, thanks to sensitive roomies, and a nosy dad. no more! well, at least i can talk about it.

lessee, what else.... i have two countdowns now. it's officially 11 days to my birthday!

oh, and i have to work on my birthday. but that's actually okay, because i'm turning in my 2weeks notice this friday, which brings me to countdown number 2! 16 DAYS TILL I QUIT MY JOB! waaaaaaaaaaahoooooooooooo!!!

one more thing, which is lurid, so if you don't like details, don't read this paragraph.: inspired by the accounts of it in the dirtytalk boards, i told chi i was curious about how it felt to do it with his package shaved. now, i thought he would freak out and tell me no way, but he said if i really wanted to know, we should try it. so we had ourselves a little "shaving party" and shaved each other (i've been bare for a long time)

okay, i guess that last thing might be considered TMI. but i'm sick and tired of modesty. i'm a run around naked in your own home kind of chick, and have been repressing that for years, thanks to sensitive roomies, and a nosy dad. no more! well, at least i can talk about it.

And Yay! for guilty pleasures. Only 3 more episodes.