seriously, folks... the past month has been crazy. first the anime expo, then the SD comic-con, and ever since that, packing for the move.
yes dear friends, we are leaving the SD area for the great beyond... colorado springs that is, just beyond the rockies. making it the eastern-most address i've ever held in the states. chi will be going to school, and i'll be working.
so, i guess what i'm saying is i've been neglectful, but life happens that way at times. ::shrug:: i apologize sincerely to anyone who was affected at all by my absence, but i'm sure everybody just shrugged it off and said, "oh, well. maybe she'll be back later."
must try new smileys!
seriously, folks... the past month has been crazy. first the anime expo, then the SD comic-con, and ever since that, packing for the move.
yes dear friends, we are leaving the SD area for the great beyond... colorado springs that is, just beyond the rockies. making it the eastern-most address i've ever held in the states. chi will be going to school, and i'll be working.
so, i guess what i'm saying is i've been neglectful, but life happens that way at times. ::shrug:: i apologize sincerely to anyone who was affected at all by my absence, but i'm sure everybody just shrugged it off and said, "oh, well. maybe she'll be back later."
must try new smileys!

Well I always hate to see cool people move away but hey I have degrees from three states so I do understand. Hope you both keep up with us on the site when the dust settles.
So is it safe to assume you guys are out in CO now? Hmm. Well I hope everything is going right spiffy out there beyond the great barrier.