Two weeks.
A few things have changed since my last blog...
SPOILERS! (Click to view)First,
I won't be as accessible online (for the moment). I've deactivated my Facebook AND Twitter. Couldn't deal with the mundane, pedantic, caustic, vapid, supremely retarded vitriol that was vomited all over those virtual walls. I understand the purpose of social media (I think), and the need to express one's feelings. However, I don't need to know every trivial moment of one's life. Got so caught up in the maelstrom it was pulling me under before I knew it.
I'll likely return to both sites sometime, yet in a different capacity. Yay?
Secondly, my grandmother celebrated her birthday recently and for a hot second, it looked like she almost wasn't going to make it. A few weeks back she had medical issues that were further complicated by doctors, but all is well now. The incident however has put a lot of things into perspective for me. I'm not going to stop playing it safe, yet I'm going to give others - especially myself - more of a chance. We supposedly have one life to live so I better pour some gasoline on the fire and burn the roof off this motherfucker. Metaphorically writing, of course.

Fact or Faked? I honestly can't tell.

Since the day my voice cracked and my balls dropped, I've had an ineffable attraction to weird girls.
Only now do I believe that unyielding draw has severely and possibly irreparably skewered my view of things. I'm certainly not a normal guy by any means, so when I'm rejected for not being weird enough, it makes me wonder what in the hell is going on out there. My take on dating (or whatever kids call it these days) is very similar to Einstein's Special Theory of Relativity. I'm doing my own thing, enjoying the many splendors of life, and one random day I think to myself "Let's trying going out again!"
...and WHAP! My dating knowledge is declared painfully obsolete and I'm thrown about a million miles per hour, hit square in the face by a whole bunch of crazy.

Keep it classy and clenched.

lot of love my hot friend