"No matter where you go, there you are."

I had a rather lengthy blog in mind. After reading the first paragraph I thought to myself "Well this is the most depressing piece of shit I've ever written" and deleted it. Not that it was a complete bummer but the content was ...dark. I can't lie, things have been rather bleak the past month and a half. I'm an emotional guy and easily react to the moods of those around me, and they certainly haven't helped matters. Ever feel like your life is literally being drained from your body by the narrow-mindedness and vitriol of others? ...no bueno.
A sliver of hope prevails for the remainder of this year, however 2013 shows way more promise. Why?

I had a rather lengthy blog in mind. After reading the first paragraph I thought to myself "Well this is the most depressing piece of shit I've ever written" and deleted it. Not that it was a complete bummer but the content was ...dark. I can't lie, things have been rather bleak the past month and a half. I'm an emotional guy and easily react to the moods of those around me, and they certainly haven't helped matters. Ever feel like your life is literally being drained from your body by the narrow-mindedness and vitriol of others? ...no bueno.
A sliver of hope prevails for the remainder of this year, however 2013 shows way more promise. Why?
Did some house-sitting for a friend all week. That was interesting.
Wow, this blog still is pretty damn depressing.
I need to shake things up... who wants to be my girlfriend for a 30 day trial basis? Obviously, you already missed out on the week-long freaky deaky sex romp in an upper class homestead, but I'm sure I could wrangle up some other opportunity.
Long blog short, I need some fun and positivity in my life.
i am trying to figure it out. dont quite get it. i am just looking at pictures and reblogging them. is that what you do? i need something to replace fetlife since i'm not all up in that world for a while.
ah, okay. not sure ill get much into it.