Spent most of the week with my dog Zeus.
Been really slow on the whole editing-my-personal-photos deal. They've taken a backseat to work but I finally worked on ONE, taken during the underwhelming 'Supermoon' event.
It's niiiiice, you liiiiike? I'll be getting more and more out there again. It's been difficult to remain motivated for my own creative endeavors. Work is work and I have to keep up because of a paycheck, but ...ugh. Hopefully, I can get more humans involved. Clear the block with a couple portrait/candid shoots.
Nearly four years ago, I met this girl. This pale, pale, greasy-haired funny sounding girl... After 3.5 hours of mini golf, go karts and "accidentally" decapitating kids while playing lazer tag, it was pretty much confirmed that we were meant to be in each other's lives. Who is this shifty-eyed git with a fear of the sun, you ask? Why Leandra, of course!
*this is what alcoholics in a hotel bar at 10am look like. ah, memories*
Her latest set Darkly Dreaming (shot by Milloux) JUST went live in MR so you should go check it out after reading my blog. What's the harm in that? YOU'RE ON A PORN SITE. Titillation and horndoggedness are the main reasons you're here! Own up to it, twonks. I'm certain you'll enjoy it!
Hooked ya in.
fyi, she also told me that if the set hits a certain number of comments, she'll send me video of her taking on this candy all kinds of sexy like!
...OK, she didn't. A man can dream, however.
you have a very interesting personality lol love this blog...
what's your tumblr? I'll check you out =)
... a man can only dream..