Who needs acid, right?
Not much going on at the moment. Work, rain, dog run, rain, work, work, flirt, work. April is when everything really kicks off. Nooo, I won't be revealing anything about it seeing as I don't want to jinx it. I swear, anytime I admit anything on this site, between 10 seconds and two weeks later it turns to shit. No mas.
During the weekend, I was asked by an annoying foreign chick (her name rhymes with Leandra) what the title of some scary movie was and naturally, I knew it. Since I'm always WINNING! at watching hundreds of new films each year. Anyways, I figure I'd post the same suggestions for can't-miss horror/thriller/dark dramas I gave her in this stupid blog.
THIS is happening soon. If you're a local or simply a nerdy-ass Californian, you should be there. Dressed as scantily clad as possible (if you're a girl). And I promise... I won't touch you. Turns out Serial and I were part of Tron: Legacy's special features at an event last year and WE DIDN'T EVEN GET PAID. Oh sure, we saw Bruce Boxleitner and shit... but no free t-shirts. No posters. In the rain. Lamesauce.
At least the furries were out in force.
Speaking of uncommon yet generally tolerable lifestyles, POLYAMORY. Thoughts? Do you believe a person can love multiple persons equally yet uniquely? I believe it's a path I could honestly live by... in a polyfidelitous fashion. Of course, it seems swell on paper. hmm. HMM.
Until next time.