Time to refill my prescription for Lunestra.
The first half of October
Hanging out with Coollkefonzie (& family) appeared to be what I needed to clear my mind of troubles while having a bit of fun, if only for a day. They ferried over to my town and apparently, it's better than Catalina. A statement damn near-impossible to accept due in part to that island's FUCKING Wine Mixer... but I digress. We hung out, they liked me, they ferried back, I eventually headed over to the City to roll with Fonz. We saw many things...
Rogue Wave at The Independent.
Hobo Car Attendants/Protectors (all night, for only for $1.97!).
Acrobatic drunks (as they vomit) .
Many hidden drug transactions and/or gay trysts.
As I told Fonz, "Just another Saturday night in the City." Sadly she couldn't stay as long as she liked, although I've a feeling we'll be meeting up once more in LA. So strange. I never expected a place like this to have the capacity to develop genuine friendships among perverted peers.
At the moment, I...
- may choose V instead of Adam West Batman for Halloween.
- may head to Austin in November.
- am infatuated with someone who may or may not be active here
(who knows... it could be YOU ).
One Other Thing
Anyways, I hope you're all well and appreciating what life has to offer.