Home from work rather early today on account of my lungs feeling like punching bags. feh
Tripping the Rift
If you didn't see an animated short called Tripping the Rift, back when it was making it's rounds around the 'net several years ago... where were you? Well, you can catch up here.
At any rate, four years later, the award winning short has blossomed into a full fledged series on the SciFi channel. (With Gina Gershon doing the voice of Six. um, can I get a w00t?) Now, it IS on cable.. but I somehow doubt they're still gonna have lines like "Lip stick wearing felch monkey!" or "Why don't you fight without your faggot clown powers, son?"... but one can hope. heh
At any rate, TiVo is set to record. I'm stoked.
Fuck United Airlines
They gave or (more likely) sold my email address to spammers. Fuck them in the neck.
Home from work rather early today on account of my lungs feeling like punching bags. feh
Tripping the Rift
If you didn't see an animated short called Tripping the Rift, back when it was making it's rounds around the 'net several years ago... where were you? Well, you can catch up here.
At any rate, four years later, the award winning short has blossomed into a full fledged series on the SciFi channel. (With Gina Gershon doing the voice of Six. um, can I get a w00t?) Now, it IS on cable.. but I somehow doubt they're still gonna have lines like "Lip stick wearing felch monkey!" or "Why don't you fight without your faggot clown powers, son?"... but one can hope. heh
At any rate, TiVo is set to record. I'm stoked.
Fuck United Airlines
They gave or (more likely) sold my email address to spammers. Fuck them in the neck.