mmmm my mali...

Dude, the strip clubs were outlawed about a year ago over here. There was this huge fracas over how the US Armed Forces were sponsoring prostitution, etc., etc. If you want to know the truth, the military honchos over here tried to make it as difficult as they legally could to keep someone from scoring with a dancer or a pro. You can't do anything about a kid getting a lap dance--they ALREADY weren't allowed to go grab prostitutes. So, since they outlawed stripping, OF COURSE all the gangsters and extortion artists from the Korean Tong gangs, the Chinese Triads, the Phillipino Mafia, and the Russian Mafiya just stopped shipping girls, right? Wrong. And now that they can't earn easy tips from dancing or lapdances, sexual favors (once something that was largely up to them, unless they shipped in with a particularly evil crew) are now about the only way they can guarantee they can pay off their mark AND have some money for when they go home to start over. 'Cause, you know, you can only get so many $10 orange juices out of a drunk GI.