So much for relaxing this week! I spent the last 2 days cleaning my house and sorting thru computer/audio equipment. Anybody need about 20GB of old EDO RAM??? How bout a dual Pentium II server with 128MB tape backup? I've got 4 of them! Useless crap all over this house! I've even got a half dozen HP laser printers! The good news is I can finaly work in my office now that all the parts and junk is gone. I've come to the conclusion that having a big house out in the burbs is really just a way to allow myself to be a pack rat. I really don't need all this crap, but for some reason I can't get rid of it... I mean who the fuck is actually going to read thru the entire Windows NT library??? Or the Visual basic and C++ library?? I've read all this crap back when it was relevant, but what good is it now? Why do I insist on hanging on to it?? And why the fuck do I have 7 Dell Pentium II laptops!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! Nobody will ever buy them and I can't use them for anything but programming lighting systems and pronto remotes. I need to go to pack rats anonymous! I'm fucked if I end up moving back into the city, I'll have to put all this shit in storage somewhere.
One of these days I promise I'll have something interesting to write about, but for now... I'm just getting things in order so I can leave for a month and not come back to total chaos.
One of these days I promise I'll have something interesting to write about, but for now... I'm just getting things in order so I can leave for a month and not come back to total chaos.
Don't service them again? The dilemma for the pro is, do you kill the goose that laid the golden egg? Or, you can argue,
isn't this who we're in business for? Trouble-shooting is real satisfying, but corporate ignorance/indifference is super-frustrating.
I love it-