I've just realized why I haven't built myself a new computer until recently.. Now I'm on the fucking thing 24/7! I am once again hopelessly addicted to Counterstrike & Half Life 2.. It's five in the fucking morning and I've got work today, but I've been up all night again..
More Blogs
Tuesday Sep 16, 2008
Read More -
Saturday Jul 19, 2008
I feel like crap, I have no motivation, and all I want to do is sleep… -
Tuesday Jun 10, 2008
I'm home, but I'm too lazy to write a real update, so you'll just hav… -
Sunday Jun 08, 2008
I got back on the road around 6:30 this morning, but due to lack of s… -
Wednesday Jun 04, 2008
Fuck all the drama and the aggravation! I'm sitting on a beautiful be… -
Wednesday May 21, 2008
I'm such a bum today... I went to my dentist appointment, and went st… -
Saturday Mar 22, 2008
As some of you know, I've just spent the last 8 days backpacking thro… -
Monday Jan 28, 2008
Someone please just shoot me -
Thursday Dec 20, 2007
So let's see.. This week I have been running around like a chicken wi… -
Tuesday Oct 30, 2007
I'm at work, I don't want to be at work, I want to be at home in bed.
I'm back! How was your week? Mine has been nuts. I start school tomorrow..
Moved into a new place! Lots, lots lots!
Tokyo on $150...stayed ina hostel, shared a room resembling a horse stable (actually horse stable is generous..it was more like a broom closet.) with my best friend. Ate at the 99 yen food shop, and bought souveniers at the 100 yen store! Absorbed culture, by buy beers and walking the streets. it was just so amazing.