Sometimes I think I'll never get back to anything that resembles a regular sleep schedule..

So today was a really bad ADD day!! I thought I was taking the whole week off, but instead I am working from home all week.. It's harder to concentrate on work when you live on a sailboat with an excellent view. Today I would work for like 15 minutes,...
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Whoa, one thing at a time there! Quitting smoking is bad enough, you'll definitely be needing some drinks. Ah, don't listen to your friend, quitting smoking can be done. With the help of gum, the patch, and whiskey.
I hadn't planned on writing anything here tonight, but after reading the journals of all my friends, I've had a lot to think about. I guess I've done a little too much thinking lately, but that's ok..

So here it is.. the end of 2005.. This year has certainly brought about some major changes in my life.. Some good, some bad, but I wouldn't have...
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Your mentality is a lot like mine...I think that is great.

Thank you for the nice message.

It's been discussed that I'm an alcoholic before, but I really think it has to do with if it interferes with your everyday life.

Take care. smile
Yeah, I actually deleted you too because we hadn't spoken! Oops!
Merry Christmas and all that! I just got home from a friend's party and my good friend Mr. Daniels has put me in the Christmas spirit!

While part of me wishes I'd have spent the holidays at my house in Tennesee, I'm sorta glad I stayed here. The view here from the boat is amazing and I can see all the lights from where I'm...
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I spent x-mas on a yacht once... on a very frozen river... going no where.

it was very quiet and peaceful... there was a great view of the city lights.

hope your Holiday continued to be grand!
Happy holidays!
Well, it may be cold, but at least the sun is out.. Feels good to get out of bed before noon for once too.. There is actually quite a bit to be happy about these days. I met someone who I completely connect with, which hasn't happened in a very long time for me.. Sure, she lives pretty far away, but that's never stopped me...
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I've been taking a mental health week and I'm glad I have! I seem to have gotten a lot accomplished this past week, including completely rewiring the boat's electrical system and sanding most of the trimwork. I feel so productive it's almost scary considering how fucked up I've been the last month or so..

My attempt at quitting all my vices at once was short...
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Dude! That is great. I'm glad to hear everything is going well. Keep it up.

I've done the same thing. Converting all my music to server format that is. Now if I only had a clue about networking I would be all set.

The sooner I get out of this city, the better! I hate being reminded of how fucked up things really are, even when the person means well..

I would really like to take my boat and leave hear tonight, but it's too damn cold. Fuck this, this is pointless!

I'm really pissed off rght now! This person doesn't know me well enough to pass judgement!
I'm such a lazy bastard today, I just woke up! I was up till 6AM playing poker and won everyones money.

So it looks like we'll be getting snow tonight which I'm happy about. Hmmmm.... other than that.... not much going on. I'm off for the rest of the week and couldn't be more happy about it!
What a day.. As much as I got accomplished, I still feel like I forgot to do something.. Oh well!

Right now I'm listening to an old blues recording that's been digitaly remastered and it sounds fucking amazing. I love the blues, probably more than any other type of music just because of all the emotion in it. I guess that's why I play blues...
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It's 2:30 in the morning and I just got home from fast cheap and outta control (amature gogo dancers & punk rock) what a night! I'm amazed I'm not too drunk to type this considering everything that happened tonight.

I've decided that Philly really blows when it comes to bars/clubs! They all close at 2AM... WTF? At 2AM I'm just getting started! I miss Chicago!...
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Good night then? wink
I am very drunk and watching Shawn of the Dead, which is so much better when you're drunk. Had a little turkey day party yesterday at a friend's place, which sort of spilled over to my boat where we proceded to get stupid drunk and watch zombie movies.

Today I slept untill noon and haven't left the boat except to take a shower. I still...
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a. it is not the number i have in my phone for you.
b. you shoudl not be drunk.
c. whatever. ha.