Florida was good.

Just watching cheezey old music videos at the moment.
Thanks! smile
Can i just say. Your little doggie brings a smile to my face. I mean such a cute face.
Still no winter here. Too bad, I wanted to get a couple of ski days in before heading to FL to dive.

We released an iPhone app I cowrote a couple of days ago. It's called Snocator. It was hella fun to create and I think it's pretty cool.
Check it out at:

Next one comes out shortly. I did all the mapping stuff...
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Once o' month bloggerizing!

Aspens: Yellow leaves and beauty all around.
Weather: Cooling, but really nice.
Firewood: 4 cords delivered, 2 cut from my own trees, should be enough for the winter.

That is all.
I am going to Houston tomorrow. Then again, maybe not. Depends on a small wad of weather named 'Gustav'. I hope the coast is better prepared this time than Katrina. It seems to be.

I was at the Obama even at Invesco the other night. It was pretty cool, though I had to focus on the fact that I was witnessing a pretty historic event...
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Work is mad crazy at the moment. They are sucking up all the hours I can provide. I am thinking it will help fund a nice trip out to Hawaii sometime this winter. I did manage to get to New Mexico over the weekend and do training for a pair of aspiring technical divers. We did a bunch of training dives and a couple of...
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thanks for the love on my latest set!!

i hope your summer is going well and the bear has moved on..
Great community fireworks display last night. A local couple essentially fronted the money for it, about $15,000 and the community stepped up and made it good. They also shot some of the ashes from the guy who started our local fireworks display into the air during the finale. I really love Nederland sometimes. It's changed a lot since I first moved to CO 20 years...
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Thanks so, so much for your comment on Why the Caged Bird Sings. I really appreciate it!
Finally have a bit of time to scribble here. I had a very intense weekend starting with Saturday where I rode MTB most of the day then taught technical diving skills at the pool from 6-10. The next morning I got up at 5:30 and drive up to Jefferson Lake, at about 10,000ft to do a pair of deep dives there. The water was cold...
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Thanks for the comment on my rejected set "Table talk" I'm deleting it but I love that you voted still.
lilacs are my favorite. They don't grow in Hawaii because we have no seasons. Used to have them line my house in Chicagoland. Hmmm... I miss them so much.
Back home after my condensed 'endless summer'. Driving, hanging out, boat rides, biking and diving dominated the time away. I drove 5480 miles through 16 states, pausing mostly around water to dive.
I watched gas prices climb as I drove, and talked to people in various areas about how they were dealing with it/coping. I felt lucky that I drive a relatively stingy Jeep.
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The road trip winds on with a night in Louisville then on to Michigan. I will be among friends there and on a boat every day for some chilly diving in Lake Huron.
With my new found time, I can now take a road trip. I am headed to FL for a week, then Michigan. Lots of diving, biking, and just hanging out. I will get to see my parents which I always enjoy. I leave tomorrow bright and oily.