I am a grandfather! My son, Outrospective, is a dad! She's beautiful and her parents are in love with her.

I wonder how many grandparents are subscribed to SG. Funny thought.
Good trip to Mexico, did some touring about and then several days of serious cave diving finishing up with the exploration of several hundred feet of new tunnel in cenote Zapote near Puerto Morelos.

Back working again, probably heading to the east coast in a couple of months.

Peru is still on, just not sure when now.
Looks like I might be on my way to Peru in late March immediately followed by Mexico. I now have a boatload of training to do and not much time...

Finally got off my butt and moved myself and the clan out of the mountains. New place, more compact, way less expensive and I can still get to skiing and climbing in 30-40 minutes.
As a side trip, probably. The main goals of the expedition are north of there. We have been delayed by a month, which is good. The weather is a bit more stable in the mountains in May/June.
In Mexico at the moment, Akumal, to be exact, diving some cave and relaxing on the beach reflecting on the tumult that was last year. I guess sometimes I need to take all the hinges off and see what happens.

Hopefully heading to South America in a couple of months for an interesting project.

Well back to the morning coffee and sorting gear out.
Bit of a detour, as dad had emergency quintuple bypass surgery two days after I got to Florida. I ended up staying here and will be here through early next week, nearly a month. On the upside, some friends came up from Mexico and we did some cave diving.

Confronting my parent's mortality has been very difficult. My mother died this year at 82. She...
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Time for another two week tour, this time through Florida and then on to Akumal, MX for some diving!
Well I released a new iPhone application in collaboration with Bettina called Black Jack Bettina.
You can grab it here:

Other than that I am getting ready for some ice diving next weekend and then a trip to Mexico for some cave diving/exploration.

It's incredibly bloody fucking cold here right now.
Your phone map makes it look as if you vacation in Cabo San Lucas. I just got back.
Brilliant photo!
Projects, I have so many...
Design new rebreather electronics based on a concept of 'minimal sufficiency'
Write seminar materials for in-water recompression treatments
Finish pin-up card game for iPhone
Organize dive expedition to Antarctica for 2013
Organize formal survey of a deep sink hole in New Mexico
Port gas blending software from iPhone to Android

I may need to hire some help.... or tap dance...
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I forgot that I needed to get the heating system wired into my drysuit, rebuild a DPV battery burn tester and change one the oxygen sensors in my rebreather. Fortunately, these will all be done today!
Wow, I've been in Colorado like, two whole weeks. I am actually working at software development again for a bit. End of November is the next journey, Florida again in January, then Mexico in February and Cayman next August. I guess when I die, the little jar of ashes will continue to travel.
Happy Birthday.
Thank you for the comment on my set! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! biggrinbiggrinkisskiss
Having just got back from 14 days on the road in California, training, diving and climbing, I am on my way to New Mexico for the selfsame. I am looking forward to merely visiting Florida for a week at the end of November. Fall is definitely here, we have had some snow already and it's gotten chilly.