Two finals tomorrow I have yet to study for.
Contentless scene for tomorrow I have not done scene work for or memorized yet or worked with my partner on.
Drivers test tomorrow afternoon.
Interdisciplinary paper due Thurs talking about Stream of Conciousness Writing as it relates to William Faulkner's "As I Lay Dying," something by Samuel Beckett (probably Godot), and some sort of something by some poet (most likely Gertrude Stein.)
Reading "Joe Turner's Come and Gone" for Thursday.
Final dress Thursday night; run show two times through.
Plus work before that.
Then work on Friday, show opens Saturday (3 performances) and closes Sunday (2 performances.)
Work on Extra Credit Oral Presentation for Modern Fiction (something on faulkner), catch up on 5 Theatre Worksheets, do late Scene Analysis for The Goat, do crtique of The Man who Came to Dinner (has to be, like, 6-10 pages), do critique of some sort of Poetry Presentation.
Dance Recital on Tuesday Night.
Can we say "fucked?"
Two finals tomorrow I have yet to study for.
Contentless scene for tomorrow I have not done scene work for or memorized yet or worked with my partner on.
Drivers test tomorrow afternoon.
Interdisciplinary paper due Thurs talking about Stream of Conciousness Writing as it relates to William Faulkner's "As I Lay Dying," something by Samuel Beckett (probably Godot), and some sort of something by some poet (most likely Gertrude Stein.)
Reading "Joe Turner's Come and Gone" for Thursday.
Final dress Thursday night; run show two times through.
Plus work before that.
Then work on Friday, show opens Saturday (3 performances) and closes Sunday (2 performances.)
Work on Extra Credit Oral Presentation for Modern Fiction (something on faulkner), catch up on 5 Theatre Worksheets, do late Scene Analysis for The Goat, do crtique of The Man who Came to Dinner (has to be, like, 6-10 pages), do critique of some sort of Poetry Presentation.
Dance Recital on Tuesday Night.
Can we say "fucked?"