Heiii my dears, @missy @sean @rambo @jacqueline what's up love? 😘
I'm bringing you today just a quick update about what some have been asking about both in comments and in private, which is when am I gonna post a new SG set...
Yes dears, quarantine really messed up with all my previous plans unfortunately, but gladly the incredible @hilo invited me to photograph this week in a beautiful "Cloudy morning", which is gonna be the Set's title, following the safety recommendations, and we made it happen!
Talking a little about the amazing work this gorgeous baby Hilo does, guys, seriously... I'm fucking impressed! Beyond being extremely professional and also a sweetheart, our set was really fun to make, we had a lot of laughs and I felt really safe in the aim of her lenses hehe
The shocking part was her efficiency, we shoot the entire set in just 30 min, laughing, having fun, talking, she showing me our progress... She sent me the link to choose the pics right away, I carefully selected my favorites the faster I could as well, and she has already edited and published it! Can you believe it, my dears?
My boyfriend Iron was also there with us and he was the one who shoot these wonderful spoilers and recorded the making ofs for you!!
Well, that's it sweethearts, I'm looking forward to this set is available for you here, I'm really anxious about it, hope you liked this new, and everything I have to say is that I love the result!! 😍
Stay safe love! See you 💋💋