Heyyyyy sweethearts, heyyyy @missy and @Rambo!! How are you doing?
Blog homework brought me memories of a song I love "Beautiful people" from Chris Brown.
I love this song because it matches with my good vibes way of seeing the world. I admire and I'm passionate about life. Human being is extraordinary, our body is an unexplainable miracle, and each one of us are unique. By the way, that's the thing that most impress me, we are exclusives, and each mind and each soul of respective person is a complete different universe.
Beauty is not about weight, money, size, height, color, gender, nationality... Come on, no!!! Every single one is beautiful, and in my humble opinion, what can increase all human beauty are 2 things:
- Personality: Potentializing all your qualities, just being yourself, seeking who you truly are, being unique, doing what you love to do, believing and aiming your life to what you want, to what makes sense for you. Never letting others to opine your decisions (you're your whole universe, my dear). Witch lead us to the second thing to increase someone's beauty.
- Respect/tolerance: No one will ever have the right to judge anyone but himself, you have your own universe to take care of, your own life. Beautiful people to me know how to listen, to be patient. The prettiest and the most handsome will always be those who love others, just for being themselves. It's about looking to the other like if you were wearing his eyes.
"Everywhere everywhere
Everywhere I goEverywhere that I've been
The only thing I see is
Is beautiful people"
Beautiful people : Chris Brown