I hear that phrase in my head, everytime my ex Tiffany and I communicate. She was a nightmare to deal with, yet I feel indebted to her, like a victim of Stockholm syndrome. She tells me daily how she misses me, and how she wants to work things out. I am starting to realize its only a ploy to keep me loyal to her and...
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I live for vacations. I hate airplanes, but they're necessary. Beverly Hills Fl isn't an ideal vacation destination... unless you're from Rhode Island, and have lived in that partially frozen Hell hole all your life. Then, it's paradise.
Powerball is $475 Million. That is absurd. I mean what could I do with like $200M that can't be done with $20k/yr? You know, besides everything.
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Powerball is $475 Million. That is absurd. I mean what could I do with like $200M that can't be done with $20k/yr? You know, besides everything.
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Ever get so hyped to spend a day getting to know someone, just to find out about 10 minutes into it that you can't fucking stand that person?
...This is my life.
We have so much in common... blah blah blah... Women only want whatever they want. Be it love, sex, money, attention, security, fame, or to create a memory. I truly believe the man...
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...This is my life.
We have so much in common... blah blah blah... Women only want whatever they want. Be it love, sex, money, attention, security, fame, or to create a memory. I truly believe the man...
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Snow has GOT to be the most depressing thing one can see when looking out a window. That goes double when you live by the beach.
So, working Saturday (and leaving early) has afforded me the rare Thursday off. There's always stuff to be done. To Hell with that. I think I'll just sit on my couch watching movies, and playing on my laptop.
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So, working Saturday (and leaving early) has afforded me the rare Thursday off. There's always stuff to be done. To Hell with that. I think I'll just sit on my couch watching movies, and playing on my laptop.
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Um... hey. I've been a lurker for oh... about a decade. I figure I'd give back. I'm open to conversation on ANYTHING. Politics, video games, fashion, frozen yogurt, weather, sports, art, society, sexuality, whatever is the hot topic at the time. I do not see people as a color, or a sexual preference, just people. I think outside the box, and I'm a little weird....
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