Block island is a lot of fun. Wish I could have stayed longer. Good stories from there, including more beaches and alcoholic drinks and fun people. awesome time with some new people. One of the stories I apparently kicked a native RIs ass in a race I didnt even know I was participating in. We left drunk from the club after we all got kicked out and some of us would not fit in the taxi. I was bored from waiting for this guy Josh so I just ran back. He stole some kids 10 speed bike and was still a solid 6 or 7 min behind me (at which point I was already showered). Low landers blood, slow fellas ^*. Ruthie was joking my Hematocrit might be 50, hehe, can't wait to get back and bike Antero with David. last day it poured, and when it rains here its not a 20 min down pour and then sun, it rains all day and all night and the temperature barely drops while the humidity rises.
Today I did a lot of nothing for a while. It rained cats and dogs from 2am until around 5:30 and then from 7 until around 9am. After work, Ruthie and I went up on the hill here in Providence for some drinks and calamari (which is outta this world if you get it in RI). Ruthie and I had some food and drinks and did some gambling at the dog track (Lincoln Park) in RI. Its supposedly not a casino, though it looks like one without tables and they print lottery tickets for money youve won/lost instead of actually cash/change. Some faade they put on since RI does not allow gambling as a state. Lost some money but maybe ill get it back at Fox Woods tomorrow night (either way Ill have a boatload of fun).
currently chillin with a lewis margarita
Today I did a lot of nothing for a while. It rained cats and dogs from 2am until around 5:30 and then from 7 until around 9am. After work, Ruthie and I went up on the hill here in Providence for some drinks and calamari (which is outta this world if you get it in RI). Ruthie and I had some food and drinks and did some gambling at the dog track (Lincoln Park) in RI. Its supposedly not a casino, though it looks like one without tables and they print lottery tickets for money youve won/lost instead of actually cash/change. Some faade they put on since RI does not allow gambling as a state. Lost some money but maybe ill get it back at Fox Woods tomorrow night (either way Ill have a boatload of fun).
currently chillin with a lewis margarita
I am still horribly amused that you make your margarita's so strong they require their own classification